In the previous posts (I, II), we have seen the arms race around computer chess started. We have seen the first ideas about the possibility of building a true chess computer. We witnessed a German company doing it and being displaced by the newborn 486 and we left the an army of chess programmers getting ready to assault Gary Kasparov dominance over the world of chess.
At this time, we are talking about 1994, many people not directly involved in technology still wouldn't think that the end of human chess dominance was only 3 years away. I witnessed exactly this period as a young club player and I have vivid memories from that time. Indeed, the explanation I give you later is more or less what I got back then in 1996 by a chemistry professor interested in game theory and it still holds true.
The main reason for the supposed inability of computers, was that they were thought to purely use "brute force" to find the best moves, whereas master were known to be able to have long-term understanding of the game. The true skill of the masters, so the mainstream, was based on being able to recognize positional advantages which would bear fruit 20 moves or more later, and such a far horizon was thought to be unreachable by standard alpha-beta engines. Ooops, I did it. A technical word. I think the moment has come for you, my faithful reader, to really understand how a chess engine thinks. It will be quick, it could even be painless, so let us look at it in more detail.
Down the very basics, a chess engine is composed by 3 fairly independent parts: the moves generator, the static evaluator and the search function.
The moves generator
First a remark: chess programmers often talk about chess positions as of FENs. These are just shorthands for describing things like "White has a king on the right bottom square h1, a pawn on the square c4 and a bishop on f2. Black only has a king on h8". Here is the FEN for the starting position
rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1
The move generator gives you for any possible FEN all legal moves which can be done by the side to move.
The static evaluator
A very important element is to quantify how a position looks better than another one. This is done by the static evaluator. The static evaluator gives you for any FEN a value, representing its objective evaluation of the position. Traditionally, positive numbers mean white is good, negative numbers mean black is good. How could a static evaluator look like? It could be for instance something like: count all white pawns, subtract the number of black pawns and multiply by 10. In this case, for instance, both a position with 3 white pawns and 2 black pawns and a position with 4 white pawns and 3 black pawns will give you a value of +10. Obviously static evaluators of real chess engines are much more complex than that, having hundreds of elements. For instance Stockfish main evaluation function (Stockfish is the leading chess engine currently) has ca. 800 lines of C++ codes, with an element typically be coded in 5-10 lines, and this is only the main evaluation function. As I said, hundreds of elements.
The search
But the core of a chess engine is the search. Ahhh, the search. To understand how the search works, it is useful to make the following experiment. Imagine you couldn't play chess at all. Zero knowledge of the rules. The only thing you know is how to translate a chessboard position in a FEN. Plus, you are given a moves generator and a static evaluator. You start playing. You are white and you have to move. Since you have a move generator, you know what moves you could do, and you have a fantastic idea: you will just try them one by one and keep the one which gives you the best, in other words: maximal, static evaluation. If you want to spend some time, with this tool you can do the exercise with Stockfish. It turns out that moving the pawn in front of the king by two squares gives you a evaluation of 218. Cool! Let us move that pawn forwaaaaard!
But hang on! Black can do this too. Black would at its turn chooses the moves which maximize its value. This means, he will go through all possible replies and choose the one which minimizes my value. So it could be, in principle, that a possible reply to moving my king pawn by 2 squares give black a better value than all possible replies to moving my queen pawn by 2 values!
In fact it is so, if I move my king pawn by 2 squares, the best he can do is to move his queen pawn by 2 squares and get a -20. In contrast, if I move the queen pawn by two squares, he can get is a +20 (again by moving its queen pawn by two squares). So, by minimizing on its turn, he invalidates my assumption that I just have to choose the move after which the static evaluation is best.
This is now bad, because it could be that there still another one of my possible 20 first moves that it is even better, in the sense that it makes the minimizing task for black even worse.
Now that we think about it, we should also consider that we also could reply to its replies, again trying to maximizing our value with our second move, so we have to also take this is consideration. And he could reply by minimizing and so forth and so on.
This loosely described algorithm is called minmax and is the basis of the chess engines. You just unroll all possible moves until, say, the 10th reply (technically: ply) you look at the values at the end of this unroll and both players choose alternately the minimizing or maximizing move. Minmax. Interestengliy, there is a variation which is equivalent and which is called alpha-beta which saves you some of the comparisons.
All competitive modern chess programs use some form of alpha-beta with variations and refinements. In this sense, they use brute force, in the very end. They just unroll the moves and do minmax. More brute force is not possible.
Now, if you do the math, you will notice that at every reply you can choose between 20-30 moves. This means, the possible positions after, say, 20 plies are 20^20, which is much more that you could store on your computer, even if every position and all information about it would stay on one bit. Alpha-beta gives you some more bang for the bucks, but not that much.
So, it was though that no computer will be ever able to reach the depth of the chess master. Oh, were they wrong...
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